
Chat With Us On Team Talk

Want to talk to the team here at Love-Of-Life? You may find some of them up on TeamTalk. If you are new to TeamTalk, it’s a conferencing program, allowing you to chat with others with very flexible controls. The client is also available as an app on both Android and iOS devices. Just search for ‘TeamTalk’ in your app store and it should come right up! For more information about TeamTalk, visit their website or contact us for more details.

TeamTalk Code of Conduct

Before joining or logging into our TeamTalk server, we ask that you read and abide the following rules and regulations:
1. All users must read the MOTD (Message of the Day) and channel/room descriptions. Failure to follow the rules displayed in the descriptions of the rooms and channels will get you kicked or banned from the server. Be advised, this information is found in the history/channel message window in the Windows client and mobile versions.
2. Be respectful and show some common courtesy toward others. Follow any specific directions enforced by the room owners and operators. You will only be asked once.
3. You’ll find yourself in ‘The Root’ upon entering the server. Just read the MOTD and description of the room and make your way to ‘Church on the Rock’ Lounge’ to mingle with others or wait in ‘Church on the Rock’ to be moved upon request to another locked room. Visitors join and leave ‘The Root’ frequently, but no audio is in this room. You can think of it as an entrance or anti-chamber.
4. All visitors should be wearing headphones at the very least before entering any room, due to the nature of TeamTalk causing feedback on speakers. Ideally, a headset with microphone is preferred, but an external microphone and headphones will do just as well too.
5. Your favorite presenter may be in his or her studio. If so, you must ask permission to join them. All the studios are locked, thus not allowing you to enter. Please get in touch with the presenter to be moved in their room. Be advised, they can add you at their own discretion.
6. The management team will not interfere in any issues or situations that you may be dealing with by other listeners. If you have a problem with one of our presenters, management will only investigate the issue or situation if it occurred in ‘The Listener Lounge’ or any other common area and the complaint is filed in writing.
7. More often than not, there will be an account called ‘yet Praise Him ship’streaming Worship-Experience radio on the server for your convenience. This is usually being operated by a member of the Love-Of-Life family.
8. Logging into our TeamTalk server anonymously means you will not be able to see who’s where until you’ve entered the room they happen to be in. Another words, all rooms will appear to have 0 (zero) users, until you enter said room with users in it. You will also be unable to message users, because of this, except when you’re in the room with all the users.
9. Actual user accounts will only be issued to those who earned them and at the admins of the TeamTalk server’s discretion.
10. The Management team reserves the right to abolish anonymous access, delete issued user accounts and change, modify, edit, remove or amend these rules with no notice or edit, modify, delete or terminate any rooms or even the TeamTalk server itself altogether.

TeamTalk Server Details

Down below is the TeamTalk server details and a ‘tt file’ to connect you instantly with the server’s credentials already pre-loaded.
Host Name:
TCP/UDP Port: 10051
Username: (Leave blank or enter your issued username.)
Password: (Leave blank or enter your issued password.)
Channel Name: (Leave blank)
Channel Password: (Leave blank)
– or –
Click Here to download our ‘tt file’ that has all the server credentials pre-loaded automatically for you. If you follow the link and it causes a dialog box to appear, just select the ‘Yes’ button and continue anyway to proceed to the server.
Note: The above link to automatically open your TeamTalk client will only work with version 5 or above with the basic or traditional installation. Please refer to the provided website shown above for official download links or for technical assistance.