
Love-Of-Life.net Policies and Guidelines
Most Recent Revision April 2019

Welcome to our Love-Of-Life.net community! We hope your visit here will be entertaining, fun and a source of learning.

Our Rooms

Our rooms are intended to be enjoyed by people of all ages. No profanity is to be used, and topics that may be considered to be strictly of an adult nature are not to be discussed in the rooms, except in those rooms that permit such content, as determined by the Board of Trustees.

Use of Your User Name and Password

Your user name and password are exclusively for your own use. You may not provide your username or password to any other individual.

Chat Room Etiquette

(a) When you enter our various chat rooms, you are expected to participate. You will need a microphone to interact with others in the rooms, as this site is a voice chat site. If you have not spoken in a reasonable amount of time, moderators may request that you speak. Should they not receive a reply, they have the ability and duty to remove you from the room.

(b) Public text chatting is strongly discouraged in our chat rooms. Please limit text chatting to a minimum.

(c) Recording either through mechanical or electronic means is prohibited in all our rooms except by authorized individuals. From time to time some events may be recorded for archival purposes.

(d) Being in our chat rooms while accessing other audio chat rooms on other web sites simultaneously is prohibited.

(e) Being present in two or more rooms on our site simultaneously by any means or by any devices, is prohibited.

(f) Using any user name or ID on our site that has not been authorized for your use by site management, whether through your computer, iPhone, or any other electronic device, is prohibited.

(g) Transmitting on Skype or any other internet communications program, any audio that is originating from our site, is prohibited.

(h) Engaging in harassment is prohibited. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

i. Discussions of an explicit sexual nature or sexually pressuring another individual.

ii. Repeatedly following someone from room to room.

iii. Making statements of a ridiculing, threatening or intimidating nature.

iv. Denigrating religion or imposing your religious views on others.

v. Making derogatory or inappropriate comments based on race or ethnic origin.

vi. Making abusive or otherwise inappropriate remarks based on an individual’s sexual orientation.

vii. Making abusive or otherwise inappropriate remarks on the basis of physical or mental disability.

(i) If one or a few individuals are monopolizing the conversation in a room or holding the key for an excessive time, (to be determined by the moderator), the moderator may clear the queue and ask that other persons be allowed to speak; however, the moderator is required to make a reasonable effort to give a verbal warning to the individual involved before taking any such actions.

(j) Engaging in or planning any illegal activity are prohibited.

Actions to Be Taken Due to Non-compliance With Policy

Upon observation of a violation of our policies, a Moderator may refer it to the board of Trustees for review. The Board may take any action that it deems appropriate, including but not limited to, issuing a warning, issuing a suspension from the site for a period of time, or banning the individual from the site.

Submitting a Complaint, Inquiry, or Suggestion

Anyone wishing to submit a complaint, inquiry, or suggestion must do so in writing either by Email to a Board Trustee or through the web site’s contact link. All such complaints must include the name of the individual making such complaint, inquiry, or suggestion. Anonymous communications will not be considered.