
Verse Of The Day

John 4:24 – God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Worship-Experience Radio – An Encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ

Welcome To Love Of Life

Where our motto is fun, family, and fellowship. Thank you for visiting our site!

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We play music from all Genres, from the 1900’s to the present date.

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How Do We Define Ourselves?

Love-Of-Life.net is a wonderful place whereby you can come, and play games,talk to friends through the audio chat called, Team Talk.
Moreover, We are a people, who come from all over the world, who use our computers, iPhones, and microphones to play games, chat, learn, and socialize on our own internet TeamTalk server.
Finally, we also host prayer events, for those who wishes to attend.
So, come and see, “If It Is to be.”

Love-Of-Life.net is sponsored by Prayer Of Faith Ministries, Inc. Jackson, MS

Our Doctrine

What We Believe

If You Have Comments Or Suggestion Concerning Love-Of-Life

Please, Make Your Suggestions

Contact Information

If you wish to correspond with Love-of-Life.net, Please write in care of:
Thomas E Williamson,
PO Box 10993,
Jackson, MS 39289,
Phone: 769-218-7432


Click Here if you would like to become a member.

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